Envision a New world
in which we wake up to discover all fear, worry, doubt, lack and limitation emancipated from our lives...
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The Gift of Expectation – An Inspiring Teaching for Living in Divine Awareness: To Manifest the True Transformation You Crave and the Life You Truly Envision

In the GIFT OF EXPECTATION, Sister Moutique, beloved spiritual teacher, channel and mentor provides an inspiring and practical teaching for reawakening to the infinite possibility that is your life.

The Gift of Expectation invites you to live your life in an arousing pursuit of intoxicating contemplation, to approach each moment of everyday for the rest of your life with exhilarating eagerness, having an expectancy of all things possible and realized.


I am Sister Moutique. I've been expecting you...

Gifted to us is an internal desire to be aligned to the good that we can expect in our lives.  This desire is a natural homing device, your dedicated GPS for personal fulfillment and the Divine Idea for your life.

For 25  years I have inspired individuals just like you to find your way and spiritually reawaken to infinite possibility as your life. 

I invite you to discover how to cultivate this desire within The Gift of Expectation, an inspiring teaching for living in divine awareness to manifest the true transformation you crave and the life you truly envision for yourself personally and the world over.

I’ll show you the way.


"There exists a Divine Influence that governs all things, everywhere, at every turn, in every moment of this life. It is in activity right now, as your life, holding a constant intention for the unfoldment of your good. "

"My experience of working with Sister Moutique has been memorable for me from the first time we met... I felt in our first conversation it was the Universe telling me who I am and what I am here to do."
Frances Conrad
Former Franciscan Priest
“Energetic Clearing with Sister Moutique – her touch, her spirit permeates every molecule of your being allowing you to go deep into your own spirit and move wonderful memories and allow them to resonate with joy and love.”

Let's Be Transparent...

We all know how difficult it is to remember just how divine life truly is and that we are all connected, supported, loved and cared for by an omnipotent limitless Source.

The Love Notes are the little reminder that every situation, circumstance and/or event is always divinely working for your highest goods unfoldment; especially when there is no apparent demonstration that it is.

Brewing Perfection

Embracing Change

Intention of Love

You Matter



Experience the Energy & Power For Yourself!

Sister Moutique is a healer, mother and spiritual teacher and her energy is electrifying.  Sometimes combining her presentations with her gift for song, she has galvanized thousands and inspired anyone within the sound of her voice to lean into the infinite possibility that is their life.  Whether she is before an intimate group, on the big stage, performing a private healing or on screen, there is no doubt her audience is transformed, feels empowered and stays engaged.  

“I have witnessed you helping a woman through a difficult life- change and in an instant I saw a cloud lift from her spirit...
She went on to do abundant creative work that uplifted many other women..."
Jingee Talifero
Founder Ceo The21DaysRaw.com
"Sister Moutique comes from a place of great love, authenticity, intuition and wisdom...It never fails, she presents me with experiences that create shifts and allow myself to get into alignment and on purpose with Higher Self..."

Douriean Flecther
Adornment Artist
2x Oscar Winning Team Member
Marvel Back Panther

Can Your Life Truly Transform In A Day?

Experience Accelerated Awareness and True Transformation in a Private Luxe
VIP Day with Sister Moutique
Live in SoCal!

In the GIFT OF EXPECTATION, Sister Moutique, beloved spiritual teacher, channel and mentor provides an inspiring and practical teaching for reawakening to the infinite possibility that is your life.

Deepen your understanding and accelerate your learning with my upcoming Cultivating the Gift Companion E Course sent directly to your inbox.

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Raise Your Vibration.
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